How to earn 10 thousand takas per month by investing 50 thousand rupees?
Nowadays, everyone is familiar with the fundamentals of information technology, and for those who aren't, learning them may take three to four months at most.
That is, if you can consistently dedicate three hours each day, it is not really rocket science.
How did you state in this article that you may invest 50,000 Taka and make 10,000 Taka?
I'll expand your capacity for thought with this post. What can actually be done with these 50,000 rupees?
There are hundreds of real-world, tried-and-true examples of what can be done with 50,000 in the digital age, but I will only provide one in this essay.
This post will serve as a transition for those who are new and a very crucial post for those who are having some difficulty.
- The 20000 rupee budget should be used to purchase a computer (desktop).
- The remaining 10,000 rupees should be used to enroll in the top digital marketing course.
- With a logo and a few marketing tools, a high-quality website and four to five social media sites may be made for about Rs. 5,000.
- The paid campaign for the first month should be funded with the remaining 5,000 rupees.
- You will undoubtedly receive at least 15 (USA or UK) consumers in the first seven days if the person from whom you will study digital marketing can show you how to establish a current digital marketing funnel.
- The entire procedure can take 90 days to finish; throughout this time, you must be patient and study.
- I am familiar with individuals who have successfully used digital marketing to make up to one lakh rupees in a single thirty-day period.
This is the issue with digital marketing; if you focus just on one aspect of it, you may make between 1 lakh and 2 lakh rupees a month.
for instance, email marketing or Facebook marketing
I've already mentioned the strength of digital items and the market trend, which is that if you can develop modern digital products, not only will you not be restricted to thousands of rupees, but your revenue route may go as high as crores of rupees.
To sum up, I would say that the thing that matters most to me is how much money I will make. I place the least importance on this matter.
The magnitude of the market I am servicing and how I can address its significant issues are always my main concerns.
You must thus adopt this attitude. You may make between 25 and 30 times as much on a digital platform, I assure you.
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