What can be done within one to one and a half lakh rupees, so that you can continue your family? - Digital MIA - Earning Tips & Business ideas

What can be done within one to one and a half lakh rupees, so that you can continue your family?

First move:

Purchase a computer with a motherboard from 81 for between 20 and 22 thousand rupees. If you are not computer literate, study Word, Excel, PowerPoint, picture editing, and internet surfing at home after purchasing a computer. It'll require a month. These Azaira-style classes may be taken online without having to visit a computer store and pay 5–10,000 rupees. You can learn in a month if you use the computer frequently while sitting at home. After learning, move on to stage two.

Second step:

Get a printer for a bargain. Rs 6,000 will be the cost.

Purchase a photocopier for 40,000 rupees.

In addition to other costs, 10,000 rupees.

The total cost to date is 20,000+ 40,000+ 10,000+ 6,000, or around Rs. 80,000.

3 steps:

Schools and colleges must exist nearby. or neighborhood.

Pick a school where there aren't a lot of local computer stores. even if there are only 1 or 2 people.

The absence of a computer store is preferable. Find a different school than the one just next to it. Naturally, you will.

But, you run the risk of being in danger if you pick a school that is too distant from the market and has little traffic.

Fourth step:

I sincerely hope you comprehend what I am about to convey.

Yep, now lease a storefront close to your desired school. Take the least amount you can.

The store will receive 20,000 rupees from Advanced.

Pay 10,000 for the chair and table and keep the rest 40,000 in the bank.

(And if you have any extra cash on hand, spend it on more writing instruments like pencils, pens, files, and paper. Purchase an old vehicle battery and a UPS as well.)

So make sure you maintain some cash in the bank. Therefore you should be able to sustain yourself in the event of an accident.

And then use your smartphone to snap a photo that you can later modify. You don't need a camera, to start.

Now explain why I brought up this company.

Around schools and universities, there is a huge need for this kind of company. Since it's common to require notes, inquiries, ideas, etc.
Students and sirs will have access to a large number of employees.
As the school is nearby, many students will visit when the various results are released.
You may also offer to snap photos for others if you need to.
Others from outside will apply for your positions if you submit several applications.
In conclusion, you can move from this place to one that is rather profitable.

Let's now discuss your future plans:
Purchase a camera first with the dividend. There is no issue, even if it is digital. got a DSLR afterward.
When acquiring DSLP, a variety of wedding festivities can also be covered. If you lack photographic expertise, employ a person who is an excellent photographer but does not own a camera.
Along with photographing special occasions like weddings and birthdays, you can also gently edit videos.
Sell various items, such as chargers, earbuds, etc., if the company is larger.
The most crucial factor is that it is your job to expand your firm; if you succeed, you will be a hero; if not, you will always be at zero.
And let me tell you the truth if you are embarrassed to do this.

Right now, my granddad is wealthy. Nonetheless, he once sat on the sidewalk and sold clothing. He didn't have any money, thus

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